Starting at $57.40 plus tax per 45 minute lesson (1 child)
The 2024 Summer season will start on June 25 and run for 9 weeks until August 25.
Registration will start on May 22 for current spring 2024 clients, and May 23 for everyone else.
Please take a moment to read the following instructions before starting your registration.
Following completion of your checkout or if you are added to the waitlist, an MIS customer care specialist will contact you within 3 business days to finalize your booking
- They will confirm the exact start time (which may vary slightly due to instructor travel requirements) and the lesson length and fees, which will depend on the number of swimmers:
- 1 swimmer: minimum 45min lesson $57.40/45min + tx
- 2 swimmers: 30min each (1 hour total) $73.46/60min + tx
- every additional swimmer (30min extra) $36.73/30min extra + tx
- Once confirmed, your booking will be finalized, you will get an updated confirmation email, and you will be required to pay the balance (less any deposits made)
- If you wish to pay by installments, please ask our customer care specialist when they contact you to set this up
Other useful links
Can’t find a spot? Learn more about waitlists and what you can do here.
Learn how to properly screen your at-home swim instructor here
Need help or have questions? Contact our team here